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It has been quiet around here. I was off on adventures learning about leadership, determination, strength and justice. Keladry of Mindelan is a fine teacher and I was loathe to leave Tortall. (Yes, me and my books 😉 )

My third time reading through Tamora Pierce’s Protector of the Small series (with two- and seven-year gaps between) and they remain page-turners. You might like to check them out, especially if you’re interested in writing YA fantasy novels.

First Test by Tamora PiercePage by Tamora PierceSquire by Tamora PierceLady Knight by Tamora Pierce

And then, on my way home, my husband joined me at Pemberley where we shared lots of laughter with some old friends. Mr. Collins, in particular. He’s exceptionally good for the giggles.

Rarely does a film adaptation equal the experience of reading the novel, but BBC’s Pride and Prejudice is one of the exceptions. My husband and I love to laugh at Mr. Darcy’s socially awkward stare or Mrs. Bennett’s overly embarrassing behavior. Not to mention that Austen crafts one of the most compelling romances of all time. I never tire of watching Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett’s relationship as it unfolds. <sigh>

Honestly though, I suspect it’s my affinity with poor Mr. Darcy that sparks my affection for this work of fiction. Poor Mr. Darcy doesn’t dance. Poor Mr. Darcy stands aloof and awkward. Poor Mr. Darcy makes assessments and assumes they are always accurate. Here’s where he and I align the most:

“I have faults enough, but they are not, I hope, of understanding. My temper I dare not vouch for. It is, I believe, too little yielding— certainly too little for the convenience of the world. I cannot forget the follies and vices of others so soon as I ought, nor their offenses against myself… My good opinion once lost, is lost forever.” 

He’s proud and set in his ways, but he’s also misunderstood and misrepresented. Mr. Darcy is cautious, yet compassionate. He’s concerned for the well-being of his friends and he regards his responsibility to them quite highly.

 I’m okay identifying with poor Mr. Darcy. We come out all right in the end.

How I know I married the perfect man: he watches and endorses this production among his friends and colleagues. No coercion necessary.


And now I’m back home. Much else occurred while I was away, but Tortall and Pemberley were the restful and relaxing bits. Future posts here at Popcorn with a Spoon may begin to take on a particular focus… my novel-in-progress is finally beginning to, well, progress.

Tell me, which Pride and Prejudice character do you most identify with and why? Or is there another fictional friend of yours? How are things going with your writing?